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AR > IC > Jennifer Lawrence

연관태그 검색 [태그 in 태그]

전체 1 건 - 1 페이지
회원사진 YooMoo 2021-12-26

초호화 캐스팅 영화 "Don't Look Up."

# 초호화 캐스팅으로 2시간짜리 SNL 찍어버린 영화 - 돈 룩 업 리뷰 #1. DANIELI actually found myself enjoying this movie more than I expected, a lot of the performances were amazing.( 생각보다 재밌던데, 퍼포먼스도 좋고..) 2. Johnny RivasA round of applause for Leonardo and his rants in this film, managing to be funny while exuding exis