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[정치,경제,분쟁] 미국 유가(油價) 사상 최고치, $6.99/갤론



# Gas Prices Hit Highest National Average In History #

   ( 미국 유가 사상 최고치)


   $6.99는 한화로 리터당 약\2300원 


1. eLLe Booggie

I wish one day I would wake up and NOT be apart of History..

( 엿 같아서 못 살것네..)


2. Tyrone Shoelaces Dittzx

Great job Brandon! Just add this to his long list of failures! Let’s go Brandon!

( 바이든 잘 하는 짓이다..)


3. lopez Jose

Thanks joe biden for your sacrifice. You put the american people in the front line of pain and suffering.

( 바이든의 노고가 미국인들을 이렇게 고통으로..)


4. Josue Borja

Say hello to General Secretary Trump if Biden doesn’t lower this gas prices

( 기름 값 안 내리면 트럼프 좀 불러야겠다.)


5. mikiegee

Funny how every time a Dem gets in oval office gas prices go thru the roof. Last time gas was this high was hummm, the Obama term.

( 희안하게 민주당이 정권 잡으면 기름 값이 올라가네.. 마지막 최고였던 때가 오바마 집권중이었쟎아..)


6. Jerry

Great job Joe, we'll be walking soon.

( 바이든 잘 하셨어.. 이제 걸어다니는 수 뿐이없네..)


7. Sonny Bimbo

Mid term is in 8 months. Better be down before that.

( 중간 선거 8개월 남았다. 존말 할 때 빨리 내려놔라..)


8. Omen Dragon

I'm not trying to pay a gas tax for a country I don't care about.

( 유류세 절대로 안 낸다..)


9. Marion Roark

can anyone tell me why the prices are going up? the US get's 3% of it's oil from Russia, so how does this equation work? where is the other 97 going to ?

( 이거 개빡치는 사실, 러시아에서는 3%뿐이 수입하지 않고 97%가 미국내 오일인데 뭔 개수작들이야..!!)


10. Z Willows

Gas companies making sure to limit the amount of gas available to make more money

( 기름회사.. 이 개XX들..!!)


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