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[사회,문화,여행] 26조원 기부하는 빌 게이츠



# 26조원 기부하는 빌 게이츠 #


Bill Gates announced Wednesday he’s donating $20 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation this month as the agency plans to ramp up its spending.


“Several huge global setbacks over the past few years have left many people discouraged and wondering whether the world is destined to get worse,” the Microsoft co-founder, who is the world’s fourth richest person, said in a tweet.


Gates pointed toward the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, setbacks in gender equality and women’s health, climate change and Russia’s war on Ukraine as some of the major issues currently facing the world.


“I hope by giving more, we can mitigate some of the suffering people are facing right now and help fulfill the foundation’s vision to give every person the chance to live a healthy and productive life,” Gates said in a statement announcing the pledge.


The foundation now plans to increase its annual spending to $9 billion by 2026, which marks a 50% increase over pre-pandemic levels. The donation brings the foundation’s endowment to about $70 billion, it said in a release.


Since its launch in 2000, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has served as one of the world’s wealthiest philanthropic organizations. Gates stepped down from his day-to-day role at Microsoft in 2008 in order to spend more time on the nonprofit.


Bill and Melinda French Gates, shortly after announcing their split, pledged $15 billion to the organization last July.






*** 우리 돈으로 환산 약 26조원을 사회에 기증한다는 빌 게이츠 ***




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빌앤드멀린다게이츠 재단에 200억달러, 26조원을 추가로


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 게이츠가 200억달러를 추가로 재단에 기부하면 

이 재단에 대한 총 기부금은 약 700억달러, 913천억원으로 늘게 됩니다.







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