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[기후,환경,생태학] 장마철 번개 조심하세요!



# 장마철 번개 조심하세요! #



1. Jolly Mastermind

For anyone wondering about the guy who’s wife was dragging him, he’s okay. I looked up the story, it happened in Texas. He went to the ER and was okay again after an hour or so

( 혹시 아내와 아이 있는 바닥에 쓰러진 남편 어떻게 됐는지 궁금해 하실 분들 위해 찾아봤는데 응급실에 간 뒤 한 시간 정도 후 괜찮아졋다고합니다.)


2. im Rubin Halcomb

That first one got to me.

( 첫 번째 영상 충격적이네요..)



3. triton115

Scary seeing that some of those lightning strikes didn't exactly hit the tallest or highest objects in the area.

( 번개가 꼭 가장 높거나 키 크다고 오는 건 아니네요..)



4. TampaTec

Miracle he survived 1 million volts death bolt

( 1만 볼트전압에서 살아나다니..기적입니다.)



5. Twisted Tree Woodworks

The amount of people that converged on that car was just as impressive as the smoking car.

( 번개 맞고 연기 가득한 차안에 사람구하러 몰려드는 사람들이 더 인상적입니다.)


6. Allison James

That poor guy who was hit while walking his dogs. Thank you for including the clip that he survived.

( 개 산책 시키다 번개 맞고 쓰러진 분 살아났다니 정말 다행입니다.)



7. Mike-ROMANS 1:16

That's some scary stuff! I notice that people, including myself, always take precaution after the lightning strikes

( 영상 보니 살벌하네요.. 이젠 번개 치면 무조건 몸 사려야 할 듯..)



8. Djc00lness

"Lightning never strikes twice in the same place“

( 번개는 똑 같은 곳 두 번 때리지 않습니다.)



9. quinton wenk

The most insane lightning I've ever seen was in Yellowstone. I went partially blind for an hour and had the bolt burned into my vision for 2 days

( 전 옐로우스톤에서 번개맞은적있는데 한 시간 동안 눈이 안 보이다가 이틀 동안 시력으로 고생했던 기억이 있습니다.)



10. Neal Teitelbaum

I've never heard of lightning striking when there is snow on the ground. Crazy.

( 길거리에 눈이 쌓여있는데 번개가 제대로 치네요.. )




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